Training Ride: Limestone to Cabery

I am a little behind on my posts. A couple of weeks ago, my friend Julie and I rode to Cabery for our training ride. Cabery, 26 miles southwest of Kankakee, is a little teeny tiny town of about 300. Once again we had perfect riding weather and traffic-free country roads. We ended up with a 51-mile ride. Here are some highlights:

Along the way we came across this stone home built in 1856 with a "quilt barn" alongside it. These painted quilts are part of a Kankakee County quilt tour. My son helped paint some of them with his grandmother and her quilting club.

How about these cute cows? lol

A new stop on our restaurant tour: Cabery Bar and Grill

And then on the way out of town, I spotted this and thought it was funny. Next to the door was another hanging sign that read "A Hillbilly Lives Here."

Next Cycling Adventure: Limestone to Dwight :)


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