Sourdough Baking, Round 3 -- And Some of My Favorite Resources & Tools
Just over two years ago, I started down the sourdough breadmaking journey and wrote about it here . In the beginning I was baking something every day because I was learning and experimenting and also because I didn't want to throw away any of my starter (known as discarding), and I was afraid that if I placed my starter in the refrigerator, it would die. And it did die. But it wasn't because of the process but instead because my starter ended up getting pushed farther and farther toward the back of the refrigerator and became completely neglected until at some point many months down the road I pulled the jar of blackened gunk out into the light of day and realized Stanley the Starter's life was over. Soon after there was another Stanley, but unfortunately he met the same demise. Currently I am two weeks into my third starter, comprised of rye flour and water. Her name is Stella, and she is a bubbling beauty, and so now I am beginning to bake all things sourdough again. ...